
Let Winter Begin.....

We recently finished a long awaited project(about the fourth one on this little house of ours) of installing a small wood stove in the back of the house in the very open kitchen/living/dining room. It took some time to research and find a dealer that sold these small stoves. The one we went with was a Danish Morso 1410, made for small spaces of up to 1000sf; just the right fit for our house of 890sf. Morso stoves have been a Danish tradition for many years and have been imported to the USA for some time now.  So since we have stove in place and burning Winter can now officially happen as we have the house all toasty. Onto planning the next project..Cheers..
 Here it is burning strong on the south facing wall of our small house, heating us all up, especially our newborn son Bridger.

 A close up of the front and its dampening valves.

 The squirrel on the side is a Morso trademark. Not real sure why it has horn looking ears?

Small wood stack from harvesting a few weeks ago from up in the Cascades. It is right out the back door of the house so not too far to get.

 Just another shot of the wood stacked up against the shed, or better known as "The Penalty Box."

 A close up of the wood. Not sure but I have always thought wood piles have looked cool. All the side profiles of the different ages, dampness, and types of wood are interesting to look at.

For those of you reading I am sure you are over looking at these shots so this is the last of them. Cheers to the holiday season and stay warm.

Monty J. Nelson Copyright.

1 comment:

Kiza said...

love how you casually mention your baby.

and oh how i am not surprised you have a place called 'the penalty box'... :)