
Most Recent Book

This was Kathryn Stockett's first novel she has written and it read like she was a distinguished author with multiple books under her belt...It is set in Mississippi in the time when segregation was starting to diminish...For the most part it is written from the view of "The Help," which were the paid negro females who took care of white folks children and chores around their house. It is hard to imagine a time like this when folks were thought of as not being equal because of the color of their skin. I am well aware that this continues today in different area's around the globe in different cultures but that is not to say it is acceptable...If you read this book I am sure you will enjoy it..Cheers

1 comment:

3Ms +1N said...

just reading this one myself! :)
it's been a while since I've popped in here, hope you and Molly are grande!

and no trip yet to see you. holy cow does life fly by or what?