
Remodel II

This past fall Molly and I went into destruct and resurrect mode, on our decrepit little house in Bend that is...We started demo in late summer and got most of the project done by the end of December...By no means did we do this on our own though, we had lots, and I mean lots of help from two friends, Kiwi Paul and Dan K.....Without these two this never would have happened, well it may have happened it just would have taken a lot longer and not turned out nearly as nice!!! Thanks guys... Here are a few pics of the before and after products...Enjoy

The front of our house prior to siding, window, gutters, and trim going up....We had already taken down the fascia/soffits and replaced them..

Front of house with galvanized corrugated steel siding, windows, and cedar trim..Silver Fern is our friend Kiwi Paul's company..If you ever need any remodel work done and live around Bend, look him up!!! You will not be upset...

Another shot at the front...The new metal roof is on too...No more leaky roof!! The sheets laying against the house are for the shed...My parents were out one week and we got them all painted and ready to put up...

From the front looking at the entrance..

The next project on the list was ripping the bathroom down to the studs and fixing it up...Some time ago (last spring) our house flooded when the pipes froze and the bathroom had not gotten fixed up yet. Our buddy Dan did the vast majority of the bathroom work minus the demo!! That is our Aussie Finn, he loved the cold concrete floor!!

Here it is down to the studs...We had to also break our way through the concrete to make a new drain for the shower..You can see the new concrete we poured after the drain was put in...This by all means was one of the biggest dilemmas in the bathroom job because I accidentally hit the water main and bent it?? Whoops....!! Don't recommend doing that...

The bathroom with new vanity, heated tile floors, new window, and new tile shower..

Shower without the glass door in place..

The last project of 2010 was to rip down the old ghetto metal shed and build a REAL shed...Here Dan is laying down the foundation of "The Penalty Box," as Molly likes to call it..

Here is a photo from the alley looking at the back of the house and the red shed...

The almost finished product of the man cave... I finally have a place to work on my bikes, skis, camp stuff, dream up adventures, store stinky hockey equipment, store a fridge with lots of beer and other good things like that....That is all for now..I am sure once Spring is in the air we will be onto the next project, like landscaping...Cheers!!

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