
Books Books and More Books......

Books, books, and more books....Apparently skiing, reading, and dreaming of singletrack have been keeping me in equilibrium lately. For some reason it seems I have read some really good books in the last couple of months and here are a few more that I really enjoyed.... The first book Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv was incredible...When I first saw the cover it intrigued me. I have always loved the outdoors thanks to my parents and my uncle Howie for always "taking us to the woods." As a child growing up in Litchfield, MN we had lots of space to play and freedom to explore..We spent endless hours exploring creeks and playing in the "dirt hills." The "dirt hills" was an area by my house that could not have been more than a hundred acres but to us little explorers it was like Yellowstone National Park..... The main point in this book is that children and adults are becoming more and more disconnected from their surrounds...the outside world, and this is causing health/mental issues in many people. Not only that but we are losing respect for the planet and destroying it...Here are a few choice statements from his writing: 1. From page 7. "Given the chance, a child will bring the confusion of the world to the woods, wash it in the creek, turn it over to see what lives on the unseen side of that confusion. Nature can frighten a child, too, and this fright serves a purpose. In nature, a child finds freedom, fantasy, and privacy: a place distant from the adult world, a separate peace." I still go to the woods on almost a daily basis for these same reasons...Either I am still a child or this applies to adults too. 2. A quote from Rachel Carson- " Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts." 3. Some where in his book there was something said to this point too: " there needs to be more bicycles and less freeways, more celebration and less hurry." I totally agree with all three of these and hope you enjoy this book. If you would like to find more out about the author book or just outdoor interest in general check out www.richardlouv.com. This next book by Dave Eggers, Zeitoun, is a heartbreaking but strengthening piece of work. It is about the Zeitoun, pronounced Zay-toon, family pre, during, and post hurricane Katrina. I remember watching this storm from afar and reading about all the chaos and injustice but reading this book just plain pissed me off!!! I already question our government and society on many different grounds but this really made me question is the United States really what it used to be?? In my opinion, NO!! Read for yourself and enjoy, it is a difficult book to set down...
The last book, Half Broken Horses, is a fast reading true life novel....It takes you back in time to the wild west with all the frontiersman and women, you gotta love these characters for who they are and makes you wish you could go back in time!!! Cheers to great reading..... I hope all of you are doing what keeps you in equilibrium, if you are not, change so you are....You will be happier for it!!

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