
6th Anniversary Rides.....

Molly and I recently had our 6th Wedding Anniversary so we decided to have some custom/repurposed bikes made up for us at a local shop by he name of Bend Velo. They are called J. Livingston Bikes. This is the name of one of the buddies of Eric, the owner of Bend Velo...To find out the story behind these bikes you can go find out for yourself at www.bendvelo.com. Anyways, you get together with Eric and essentially create your dream commuter bike...You find a frame, pick a color, and add all the accessories you would like on your ride. And to top it off they are very affordable!!! Overall, it was about a two month process....and it was well worth the wait as we truly LOVE riding these bikes to work, for groceries, or whatever...just to cruise around town...Here are a few picks..Hope you enjoy..If you are so inclined to build one for yourself call him up as he is willing to send them wherever..

Cool little JL metal head plate on my "white as all get out white" ride...
 Some white and black waterproof bags from the homeland(Minnie), on my bike...Banjo Brothers makes these and they are a steal...Bombproof too!
 We also outfitted the rides with Dyno Hubs on the front wheel to hookup to some head and tail lights....This light is made by Busch and Muller out of Germany...Ahh...to not have to change batteries all the time is great!!!
Put some hard as hell Brooks B-17 leather saddles on, that over time and hundreds of miles should break in and fit like a glove..

Eric blings out his rides with a custom chrome J. Livington chaingaurd and chainring that are pretty cool...

Here is Molly's "baby blue", 700c, step through frame, with Civia Bags and all the other goodies from above..
Here mine is in "white as all get out white," 700c wheels, the Banjo Brothers bags, and some special Civia bars too.

And the two them together, chillin in the "penalty box."
Hope you enjoy and cheers to riding..

Monty J. Nelson Copyright.

1 comment:

3Ms +1N said...

love the bikes. what an awesome idea- and happy 6th anniversary!

(penalty box.. hee hee.. love that you call it the penalty box).